
Showing posts with label residential school in Odisha. Show all posts
Showing posts with label residential school in Odisha. Show all posts

Wednesday, 27 January 2021

Myth-Busters for Boarding Schools in Bhubaneswar

Many Parents as well as their children base their views of a boarding school on which they've observed on television or non-relevant chats. Such mediums might or might not depict best boarding schools in Bhubaneswar in an ideal way. It might keep you from thinking about the several benefits it can offer pupils. To create a true comprehension of how boarding schools operate, you have to drop all of your notions and explore choices. There are several advantages of making your child join a boarding school in Bhubaneswar and truth, which you may not understand yet.

A boarding school education may be a fantastic choice when considering schools for the little ones. To Assist you to put your misconceived ideas to a break, here are the most common myths about boarding schools in Bhubaneswar in addition to the real facts of them:


Parents only send their children to boarding school since they've got an unhappy family, or are punishing their children. 


Boarding schools present an alternate learning environment where joyful, well-adjusted kids flourish. Children that are searching for more academic challenges, more diverse companions and much more chances to try new sports or activities visit boarding school as the opportunity of a lifetime.


Parents cannot be involved since they are so far off.


Perhaps not true. Each boarding school in Bhubaneswar has different approaches for parent involvement and interaction, but most of them recognize the crucial role that parents play in their child's development throughout their school years. There will be plenty of opportunities where parents can go to campus and catch up with their children. Though some boarding schools do have policies against mobile phone and online social media uses, we discover that those students immediately adapt to a different schedule filled with interesting activities and rarely miss their previous lifestyle.


Boarding school has no fun activity. 


A Boarding school prepares children enrolled holistically that involves sports and performing arts together with quality academics. Parents often struggle with selecting boarding schools vs day schools. A boarding school has lots of interactive and fun activities for students to take part in and appreciate. You will find excursions, off-campus chances and occasions as well for students to rejuvenate themselves. As students must live their 24x7, a boarding school in Bhubaneswar also provides a comprehensive curriculum for optimum learning.


Boarding school teachers aren't friendly.


People often wrongly feel that faculty and staff at boarding schools aren't friendly or likeable. That's why they believe that their child could be subject to intense behaviour. Nonetheless, in Fact, a boarding college has all sorts of faculties, including qualified and friendly teachers. A boarding school or a day boarding school in Bhubaneswar, they all ensure that their faculties must act as friendly, guiding, helping and kind guardians to the students.

ODM Public School is well trusted among parents as the top boarding school in Bhubaneswar. We ensure that all our students must enjoy world-class academic facilities with addition to extracurricular activities and modern accommodation. Get in touch with us today to know more about our boarding and day boarding school facilities in Bhubaneswar. 


Saturday, 19 December 2020

5 Myths about Residential School

Most of the time, we portray the image of a residential school or boarding school as shown to us by other people, movies or TV shows, but such representations may or may not be right. And eventually, parents end up creating some misconceptions regarding boarding schools, which restricts them from seeing the numerous advantages of a residential school.

Looking for the best schools in Odisha? First, have a look at the top 5 myths about residential schools, this might help you to make the right decision for your child:

  1. Boarding Schools do not provide any free time to students:

This is one of the most common myth that most parents have, but the fact is these schools have a very structured time table for the students which is designed to create a balance in the students’ life and is fairly filled with a number of fun activities, events, and interactive activities along with good time for the students to relax and make use of their time as per their choice.


  1. Boarding Schools have a very strict environment:


The best residential school in Bhubaneswar, ODM Public School, aims to create a friendly environment for the students to make sure that they can express their feelings when they are in any kind of dilemma or are upset. Though there are some sets of rules which the students are supposed to follow, but, rest of the schools make sure to provide the freedom to the students to enjoy the best schooling experience.


  1. It is not possible for the parents to be involved with their child:


Most parents are scared that if they send their kid to a boarding school, they will lose any involvement and the kid will lose touch with the family. But the truth is, these schools have regular activities to ensure parental interaction for the students, you are allowed to regularly catch up with your child and cheer them up on sports events, dramas, and other activities. Moreover, the distance makes them realize the value of a relationship and respect that even more.


  1. Boarding school students are more likely to get into bad practices due to the absence of parental supervision:


As per a survey, 95% of boarding school students say that their social life doesn’t revolve around alcohol and drug abuse, compared to 82% of public school students. In the best residential school in Odisha, ODM Public School, your kid will be in an environment with like-minded students who care about life and become the best of person/student.


  1. Boarding school is a way to punish your child:


It is a myth that a lot of parents have, but this is not at all true. In fact, sending your child to the best residential schools in Odisha you can provide them the best learning environment which will turn them into a lot more confident and independent. You will be teaching your kids the most important factors of life, like managing expenses, taking care of their diet, studies, and other things at the same time.


So, visit the best CBSE residential school in Bhubaneswar and enroll your children to provide them with the learning environment that they deserve. We make sure that your child learns the discipline, qualities of leadership, the independence which will help them to grow and succeed in their lives.


Article Author Biography

This is Robin, a multi decade experienced language expert who loves to explore the education niche in India and topics relevant to it. This article will follow through the best English medium schools in Bhubaneswar and children studying at there and their impact to the current, continuing Covid situation. Be sure to follow me and stay update with latest education niche write ups.

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