
Tuesday, 23 August 2022

How to Balance Friendliness with Students without Losing Classroom Control

 It's easy to become too familiar with your pupils, whether you've been teaching for 20 minutes or 20 years. Students in the preteen and adolescent years have an extraordinary knack for picking up on teachers' faltering. Teachers may have fun with their kids without losing control of the classroom if they establish ground rules for behaviour early on.

Remind Them Firmly, But Kindly

Undoubtedly, there are some kids who would interpret my goofy attitude as an invitation to test limits. At times, it's necessary to point out to kids when they've over the line. It's a respectful and encouraging way to convey rigorous standards. If a student is pushing the limits, have a private conversation with them.

Establish Goals in Advance

From our more than three decades of expertise as the best school in Bhubaneswar, we know that establishing ground rules on the first day of class encourages pupils to respect your friendly limits.

Prevent Potential Issues

Students in middle school are a lot of fun, and as a result, teachers often find themselves joining in on the silliness. If you are a middle school teacher concerned about maintaining professional boundaries in your classroom, you may find the following suggestions helpful.

* Limit deep discussions of your private life to superficial matters, including pets, vacations, favourite cuisines and films. Don't let your guard down in the workplace and avoid providing too much personal information.

* When interacting with students on social media, be sure to stick to the rules set forth by your institution. Only communicate with students via your school's designated and monitored email or portal system.

If you're new to teaching, finding this balance takes practice and experience. Have some self-control. Even the most seasoned educators at our best residential school in Bhubaneswar occasionally need to rein in the students. Teachers tend to be affable, outgoing, and interesting people, qualities that some students may mistake for friendship. Without crossing any lines, you can create a respectful and enjoyable classroom environment by clearly articulating and communicating your expectations.

Saturday, 20 August 2022

The Importance of Psychology Curriculum for High School Students

High school is a crucial time for kids’ social and emotional development, and gaining an understanding of and practising basic psychological principles early on can help them prepare for the real world. Students get a foundational understanding of the world and its workings, but they also start to grasp the nuanced nature and dynamic history of human behaviour. As one of the best CBSE schools in Bhubaneswar, Odisha, ODM recognises that teaching kids about psychology as part of the required high school curriculum is an excellent way to help them learn important scientific skills, such as how to design, implement, and analyse experiments.

Here we are sharing a few result-proven reasons why every school must introduce a psychology curriculum in the near future and how it can benefit students’ viewpoints.

Helps Understanding How Human Brain Operates

Some students’ cognitive processes may come as a surprise to you. Were they aware that our brains can’t handle more than one task at a time? Or that napping can boost productivity? The study of psychology can help students understand the motivations behind behaviours that, at first glance, appear to be random. Students can gain insight into what drives and motivates people by studying the brain. Students can improve their performance in the classroom, in social situations, and in personal relationships by first learning how the human brain functions.

The Study is Relevant to Life Aspects

Organisational, behavioural, cognitive, sports, and school psychology are all branches of psychology that focus on certain aspects of human experience. To the student, psychology is involved in everything from maintaining motivation to study to mending friendship ties. Students’ ability to comprehend their environment improves in direct proportion to their exposure to and understanding of psychological principles.

Increases Understanding of Human Development and Mental Health

Students who take the time to learn about human development gain a clearer picture of the impact that one’s upbringing has on one’s present and future selves. Students who learn about the factors that contribute to mental illness are better equipped to empathise with those who struggle with it.

By incorporating psychology into the high school curriculum, students will be exposed to a wide range of beneficial, life-changing psychological concepts. If designed by experts, a psychology curriculum combined with high school learning at the best CBSE school in Odisha will help students to acquire the intellectual fortitude necessary to adapt to a dynamic and unpredictable world. For more information on the courses offered at ODM Public School, please visit our website.

Schools in BBSR Redefining Career Planning: ODM's Unique Approach

  In today's competitive world, career planning has become a necessity from an early stage. Students require proper guidance, exposure, ...